Métis no World Anthropological Union Congress
11 - 15 Outubro 2024 - 08:00


World Anthropological Union Congress


Entre os dias 11 a 15 de novembro de 2024, os pesquisadores do Métis Camila Galan de Paula (USP), Juliana Caruso (USP) e Renan Martins Pereira (USP) participam do World Anthropological Union Congress - Reimagining Anthropological Knowledge: Perspectives, Practices, and Power, que ocorrerá em Johanesburgo, África do Sul, apresentando os seguintes trabalhos: 


  • Camila Galan de Paula: "Remembering the “Time of Difficulties”: Water-Access Objects, Structures and Places in the Brazilian Semiarid Region". Painel 14 "Retracing the Invisible and the Silent: Condensed Histories, Affective Atmospheres, and the Palpability of Obliterated Emplacement". Resumo: https://waucongress.org/paper/?id=727


  • Juliana Caruso: "Kinship as an interdisciplinary dialog: the relationship today between kinship, family studies, and biomedicine". Painel 116 "Kinship Relevance in Today’s Transformed World". Resumo: https://waucongress.org/paper/?id=765


  • Renan Martins Pereira: "Creation of landscapes and pastoral memories in the semi-arid region of Northeastern Brazil". Painel 74 "Pastora-logy: what might anthropology learn from pastoral and nomadic lifeworlds?". Resumo: https://waucongress.org/paper/?id=709


Para mais informações sobre o evento, acesse: https://waucongress.org/#